7.15.19 |Uncategorized
Instructor Application
Get Outdoors PA strives to connect citizens with outdoor recreation activities to increase their appreciation and active use of parks, forests and public spaces while imparting a message of environmental stewardship and healthy living. To do this, we aim to provide an outlet of resources, including a database of highly qualified instructors, allowing our Community Partners to provide amazing events and opportunities to their communities.
Instructors listed in the Get Outdoors PA Instructor Database work with community partners, as volunteers or as independent service providers to teach or guide programs within the activity categories listed below. Preference is given to certified instructors with experience.
If you are interested in being included in the Instructor Database, complete and submit this form to [email protected] Submission will be reviewed and considered for approval within two weeks.
Being listed on the Get Outdoors PA Instructor Database does not obligate you to any programming. But it does allow us to list your name & contact information on GetOutdoorsPA.org allowing Community Partners who may be looking for an
experienced instructor for their programs and events to contact you