Fun Fact

Fun Fact!

Water can be purified through a variety of methods including filtering, boiling, and using chemical tablets.

Learn basic survival skills: how to keep yourself warm and fed in the wilderness.

 Learn how to properly construct a natural shelter, make fire, collect water, try wild edibles, and more.

What would you do if you were stuck in the woods for a day or an overnight without supplies?  Maybe you did it with intention for fun?  Wilderness survival is about living in harmony with the earth and typically includes primitive skills dealing with food, shelter, fire, etc. See how strong you would be if you were on vacation and gone for a long hike and you got lost.  Learning how to handle it means understanding the essentials for survival in the natural environment.  Take a chance and try it!

Fun Fact

Fun Fact!

Water can be purified through a variety of methods including filtering, boiling, and using chemical tablets.